OK, so Chelsie has been pressuring me for a while now to post something on the blog, and I'm sorry it has taken this long. I guess I'll start from the beginning...
...and from the beginning, I mean right when Easton came into this world. It reminded me of our wedding day. It didn't really hit me that I was REALLY getting married until I walked outside and saw everything set up for the first time. The same thing happened when Easton was born; it didn't REALLY hit me until he came out and was on Chelsie's chest, and the three of us were huddled together. Holding him for the first time was a moment I'll never forget. The first time he looked at me, the first time he squeezed my finger, it is all amazing. Being in the hospital overnight with Easton and Chelsie was a lot of fun for me. I loved being locked in a room with my two favorite people.
I tried to spend as much time with him as I could for the first couple of days, because after that, we were apart for a week. That was by far the toughest week ever. I wanted to hold him and help Chelsie take care of him, but I was stuck in Flagstaff finishing out my last week with Best Buy.
And it didn't get any easier once I moved back down to the valley. I had a few days with E, but then I had to go to California for Core, so I was once again away from him for 4 days.
We got to travel to Challis' graduation and spend time with family, but the day after we got back, I was off to California for more training, this time for two weeks. Man that was rough. I did get to Facetime with Chelsie and E a few times, but I mostly saw him through the pictures I forced Chelsie to send me every day.
Once I got back from California, I thought I wasn't going to have to be away from him, but then Chelsie said she wanted to go to Minnesota. So after another couple of weeks with E, she was off to Minnesota for a week. They just got back last night, and we are currently celebrating Father's Day. It was so nice to wake up and get a card from E and Chelsie. And they got me a really nice messenger bag to bring my laptop to work in.
So now we are all caught up on my end. I'll definitely do a much better job of updating the blog from now on.
Overall, the experience of being a father has been awesome. I love picking him up and carrying him around the house. I love going places and pushing him around in the stroller. I love when we can sit on the couch together and he falls asleep on my chest. I love that he has been such a loving son. I'm also so proud of Chelsie for being the most amazing mom ever. I'm so glad she has the opportunity to stay home with E. I can see how happy it makes both of them.
So until next time, I'm going to go play with E now!!!